Final Thoughts

Our final session consisted of a recap of the basics of contact – such as body surfing and table top. Then proceeded into a jam to practice Stark-Smith’s Underscore. The underscore is

“a score that guides dancers through a series of ‘changing states’, from solo deepening/releasing and sensitising to gravity and support; through group circulation and interaction.” (Koteen & Stark-Smith, 2008, 90).

This ranges from collision, confluence, skinesphere – and many other forms of connections I experimented with. This particular session I felt so deep into the jam and internalized in my body. The professional lighting rig and photographers made me work harder and bring my energy into the space, as a soloist and duets/small groups. I worked with new partners this session also which was successful to me – as I have been wanting this for weeks. I believe that this session was an achievement for myself and my peers and I am proud of how I have developed these skills which I hope to maintain for the rest of my dance career.

This semester, contact improvisation has brought me fresh and familiar knowledge for my body to experience. To begin, I was nervous and shy to make contact with people in the space, and lack sense of gravity, release and momentum. By the end of the semester I was not afraid to approach people and use the skills I have been taught – which can also be applied to technique. I have the confidence to have mutual connections as the over/under dancer and am willing to try new experiences in my body. The trust for my peers has also grown, making my time spent with them valuable and safe practice.



Koteen, D. & Smith, N. S. (2008). Caught Falling: The confluence of contact improvisation, Nancy Stark Smith, and other moving ideas. Northampton, Massachusetts: Contact Editions

Stark-Smith’s Underscore.

To begin this week’s class, we spent some time watching videos which reflect our practise from this year. Especially watching Roehampton dance (2011) and WarSaw Flow festival (2012). Both videos explore both slow/fast pace in the space, exploring the range of kinespheres and maintaining the momentum in partners. I noticed that the partners use their sides of the ribs frequently as a safety zone on the higher kinesphere which is useful to know for future jams.

We briefly had a recap on Stark-Smith’s underscore, which will be major in our final jam. Watching the documented underscore class Stark-Smith (2014) taught was incredible to watch. Seeing strangers come together and bonding through contact improvisation is mesmerising to watch. It’s great to see how universal contact is. Starting to feel assured after recapping the underscore and I feel comfortable going into class next week – as I have gone through everything I need to know about contact improvisation.

This week’s jam was based on the underscore. I thoroughly enjoyed myself during this session, and part of me is relieved for the assessment next session. For this assessment I feel well-prepared after having practiced the run through of the underscore. I feel like next week is the perfect opportunity for me to practice different connections and grazing. I am confident working as a soloist in the jam, however I find it difficult to apply my knowledge from the underscore into duets/trios.

Since the jam next week is going to be longer, I believe I have more chance of fitting all my knowledge into practice. I am looking forward to the last session and hoping to proceed contact improvisation out of working hours.


Kanał użytkownika szimi82 (2012) Poland Contact Improvisation festival WarSaw Flow 2012 – Jam. Available from: [accessed 30/11/16].

PERFORM fundacja artystyczna (2014) GLOBAL UNDERSCORE with Nancy Stark-Smith. Available from: [accessed 30/11/16].

RoehamptonDance, (2011) Contact Improvisation jam 20th May 2011. Available from: [accessed 30/11/16].